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99-GENDER (2021)


Two protagonists are propelled into a virtual game. Side by side, he and she must go through the different levels of the game to reach the mysterious and final level 99. Level up, power up or game over? The boosters, glitches and speed runs of 99-Gender will keep you in suspense through out the piece.



At the heart of this piece, you'll find an aim to deconstruct the notion of gender through the bodies and movements of the dancers. The duet 99-Gender combines two worlds, usually considered opposites, gender studies and video games. This unusual mix creates a fun, reflective and family-friendly piece.


Choregraphy- Iona D'Annunzio

Assistant chorégrapher - Elsa Couvreur

Interpretation - Iona D'Annunzio - Cédric Fadel Hattab

Music - Nicolas Senjaric

Light Design - Charlotte Curchod et Laurent Schaer

Subsides - Ville de Carouge, Fondation Emilie Gourd, Fondation Suisse des artistes interprètes, en cours.


Performances :

-  17th to 20th March 2021 - Théâtre de L'Etincelle

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