Collectif de danse contemporaine
Contemporary Dance Company

Choreography - Iona D'Annunzio
Interpretation - Rosanne Briens, Baptiste Cazaux, Iona D'Annunzio, Camille Lagrange, Margaux Monetti, Sarah Waelchli.
Composition - Nicolas Senjaric
Performance :
- 7th of March 2018 - Uni Mail, Geneva, FUGE (Festival Universitaire Genre et égalité)
- 26 March 2019 - Uni Mail, MS180, during the 'Soirée partagée danse et théâtre' organised by FUGE and AEEG - Geneva CH
L'Onde (2018)
To inaugurate the release of the first issue of the feminist fanzine, L'Onde, the collective Woman's Move will present a performance in the central hall of Uni Mail.
The piece is an ode to solidarity in response to the numerous sexual harassment cases that have filled the social space since October 2017. The choreographer Iona D’Annunzio, in collaboration with the dancers, offers a performance that emphasizes the importance of listening, reminding us that each story has it's role to play in the changes a head of us.
The performance is produced in collaboration with the AEEG (Association des étudiant-e-s en études genre) and will be premiered during the FUGE (Festival Universitaire Genre et Égalité).